Rebecca Sobbi

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My Artistic Journey - Part 3

After the birth of my third son, when I got really serious about my art career, I decided to switch mediums to watercolour. I needed something that would dry fast so I could paint during nap times, and avoid little, curious fingers.

It took quite a bit of trial and error to learn the medium and find my own style. I struggled to find the best supplies, but once I did, and created a regular practice, I improved greatly.

I started by painting florals because I loved loose, watercolour florals, but it was also the easiest to find tutorials online. From there I transitioned to landscapes and really grew as an artist. This is where I found a real challenge, and the ability to find my own voice as a watercolour artist.

I love to look back to see how far I’ve come!

My First Watercolour Floral

My first “Landscape”

Created 1 Year Later

Created 4 Years Later

Everyone starts at the same place: the beginning.

It can be so easy to get discouraged thinking everyone is so much better and further ahead, but if you keep practicing, even just a little each day, you’ll see the progress you have made.

Now that my youngest is five years old, I’ve been able to return to painting in oils. It’s like returning to an old friend. I find that I’m using techniques from my watercolour practice in my oil painting. It makes the process that much more enjoyable.

It’s interesting how life moves full circle.

Thanks for being here on this wonderful, creative journey with me.

xo, Rebecca