Joshua Tree Collection

a Collection of 8 Original Paintings Inspired by California’s Mojave Dessert

At the end of January 2023, my children and I escaped the bitter cold winter in Alberta and fled to California. We went on a quick little trip to Joshua Tree National Park in the Mojave desert. We pulled up to Skull Rock just as the evening sun began to set and we were in awe of the beautiful, changing colours in the desert as the sun dipped below the horizon.

Large boulders in Joshua Tree National Park change colours as the sunsets in the desert in winter
A pink and yellow sky in Joshua Tree National park as the sun sets and the colours of the desert change.

The next morning we were surprised at how cold the desert was in January. My Canadian children thought surely they'd be fine in shorts and t-shirts only to discover the temperature got down to freezing in the early morning. A little trip to Walmart for some pants, and my children had the time of their lives climbing all the huge boulders at every stop, helping their little brother to climb to his heart's content. 

I spent most of my time in the quiet solitude of the desert, exploring and capturing some of the most beautiful reference photos. Too many to choose from. Some parts of Joshua Tree feel like you've stepped foot on another planet with vegetation you can't find anywhere else.

I spent the first 3 months of 2024 tucked away in the studio pouring over new mediums, so many beautiful reference photos, and the largest oil painting I've ever offered. I even took my work with me to paint while I sat outside in the glorious Southern California sunshine.

I truly hope you can feel the joy and the buzz of excitement that I've poured into this new body of work. I enjoyed the process of experimentation - not taking things so seriously - prepared to throw anything I didn't like in the trash and elevating the finished work to the next level of beauty. It was honestly so refreshing.

Each painting has been titled from a line in the self-written poem below:


"Dusk in the desert.

Everything in rhythm,

Pulling you in closer.

Sit in contemplation

under the Joshua Tree.

Feel nature's embrace,

Give in and surrender.

Wide expanse of peace,

Bask in sunset's glow."

An image of the Cholla Cactus Gardens in Joshua Tree National Park at sunset

I want you to be able to fill your home with meaningful things. We don't need sameness or mass production. We need unique homes with individuality where a feeling of your own personality and lived experience can shine. We need the precious gifts of makers, writers, and personal history in our homes. We need things that make our hearts sing and feel genuinely “us”. Our homes are a vibrant vessel of our most precious memories.

 In a world of artificial intelligence, the only things that cannot be reproduced are created by human hands. The touch of the artist is left in every brushstroke, every perfect imperfection, texture and colour. There is something so special about collecting original art.

It has been such a joy to create this collection of work. I have drawn on my reserve of peace that only comes through nature and poured it into these paintings. The peace and solitude of the desert.

Each painting has been carefully created through play and experimentation, layer by layer over the last three months. I hope you find something that speaks to you.

I’ve had a few people ask if prints of the Joshua Tree Collection will be available, and the answer is yes! This process always takes a little bit longer than I imagine, but they should be available soon. If you’re interested in collecting a print, it is best to join my email list to be updated as soon as they’re available to purchase.


May Studio Newsletter


2024: The Year of Brave Exploration