May Studio Newsletter

I thought I might take a little time to show you what's been happening in the studio lately, a few of my favourite things, and what you can look forward to in the month of May.

Lately I've been creating more mini beach paintings inspired by Southern California. They've been selling so quickly at Bliss 101 in Encinitas, that I'm running out of reference photos. I guess I'll have to make a trip to gather more inspiration. 

My favourite natural wood frames for these paintings are from Opposite Wall. I've been thinking about creating a framing guide with all of my favourite frames and styles. Please let me know if this would interest you.

I will be away attending my nephews wedding (and working) in Encinitas later this month and I’m so excited to gather new inspiration and spend time with the people I love.

Cox Bay Sunset Watercolour Painting

I've been spending some time in the studio creating my next collection of work based on the beauty found on Vancouver Island. About six months ago I bought a huge roll of Arches watercolour paper to paint the largest collection of watercolour paintings I've ever created. It's been a bit of a learning curve to stretch the paper which has required me to literally soak it in my kitchen sink and tape it directly to my table.

After our visit to Tofino,  last summer, I had a vision of creating 6 large 24x36" horizontal watercolour paintings that transport you to the rugged Canadian coast. I've been enjoying painting the serenity of glowing West Coast sunsets, wind swept trees, and foggy coastal atmospheres. This collection has just begun, so stay tuned for updates.

What I'm loving lately:


The weather has not been cooperating this Spring but I'm waiting with anticipation for the time when I can plant my garden. My favourite place to buy seeds is from West Coast Seeds. I have been dreaming and mapping out the perfect planting plan. Last year, the beets and swiss chard did so well, I can hardly wait!

I used to love watching this Old House with my dad when I was a kid and I guess I just didn't really grow out of it. I've been obsessed with Instagram accounts lately that buy and remodel decrepit, derelict, and abandoned homes. I think it's the anticipation of hoping it will all work out, mixed with wondering if that's the only possible way my children will be able to afford to buy a home in our current economy. My favourite to follow is @jennaphipps.

Please let me know if this type of blog post is interesting to you and I will continue to compile some new inspiration.

Thank you for being here and supporting me!

xo, Rebecca


June: Studio Happenings


Joshua Tree Collection